VPN service allows Canadians to get full-access to US Netflix

VPN service allows Canadians to get full-access to US Netflix

Watch US Netflix in Canada Ever since Netflix, the popular online movie and television series streaming service expanded north of the U.S. border in 2010, thousands of Canadians have signed on to watch their favorite shows. Although they pay the same monthly fees as Americans, Canadians have a much smaller selection of movies and televisions shows. As of January 2014, Canadian Netflix offers approximately 4,000 titles, while subscribers in the United States have access to more than 10,000, a difference of more than 6,000 offerings. Although the service may look the same on the surface, Canadian customers receive an inferior product. American Netflix is incredibly better. Netflix viewers in Canada are stuck with a smaller selection, unless they are willing to partake in a bit of technological trickery. (more…)
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